By Team Metacorp on June 21, 2021

How to get Pollution Board certificate for milk processing units?

How to get Pollution Board certificate for milk processing units?

How to get Pollution Board certificate for milk processing units


India is one of the world's largest producers and consumers of milk, and the dairy industry plays a crucial role in the country's economy. As the demand for processed milk and dairy products continues to grow, setting up a milk processing unit requires careful consideration of various factors, including compliance with environmental regulations. Obtaining a Pollution Control Board certificate is a mandatory requirement for milk processing units in India. In this blog, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to obtain a Pollution Control Board certificate for milk processing units, highlighting the essential registrations and procedures involved.

Current view of dairy sector in India

Since 1998, India has ranked top among the world's milk producing nations, and it has the world's largest bovine population. Milk output in India increased by 6.65% from 1950-51 to 2017-18, from 17 million tonnes (MT) to 176.4 MT, compared to 165.4 MT in 2016-17. According to the FAO, global milk output increased by 1.46 percent from 800.2 MT in 2016 to 811.9 MT in 2017. The country's per capita milk availability grew from 130 grammes per day in 1950-51 to 374 grammes per day in 2017-18, compared to the world's estimated average consumption of 294 grammes per day in 2017. This indicates a steady increase in the supply of milk and milk products for our rising population. For more details on worldwide scenario of milk production read full report of FICCI.

The number of animals (adult cows and female buffaloes) in a dairy/gaushala can be classified into five categories:

  • Category I (up to 25 animals),
  • Category II (26-50 animals),
  • Category III (51-75 animals),
  • Category IV (76-100 animals),
  • Category V (above 100 animals).

Procedure for setting-up a Dairy processing firm as instructed by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)

The set-up standards will apply to new enterprises; however, existing establishments should follow the rules and take adequate pollution control measures. The following is the dairy farm set-up policy:

  1. Dairy farms should be situated outside of city/village limits, at least 200 metres from residential areas and 500 metres from hospitals and schools.
  2. To avoid contamination of water bodies, dairy farms should not be located in flood-prone locations where flooding occurs once every 25 years or more frequently.
  3. To avoid groundwater contamination, dairy farms should not be located in places with shallow groundwater depths of 10 to 12 feet, particularly in alluvium zones.
  4. Dairy farms may be allowed to adhere to the following minimum distance criteria, which may vary depending on local conditions:
  1. National and State Highways: 200 metres away from National Highway and 100 metres away from State Highway to avoid olfactory annoyance and road accidents caused by cattle.
  2. On the catchment side, a major drinking water reservoir of 500 metres was built to prevent water contamination from leakages and spills from dairy farms.
  3. On the catchment side, a major drinking water reservoir of 500 metres was built to prevent water contamination from leakages and spills from dairy farms.
  4. Drinking water sources, such as wells, summer storage tanks, and other tanks: 100 metres to avoid contaminating the water
  5. 500 metres along major watercourses such as rivers and lakes to avoid water contamination
  6. Canals: 200 metres to avoid contaminating the water supply.
  7. For ventilation, the distance between two enterprises should be at least 5 metres. Each unit shall give at least 2.5 metres on each side, and the green belt should be developed.

Milk Processing Plant

Environment effects by Trade effluents

The dairy sector is one of the most polluting, not only in terms of the amount of effluent produced, but also in terms of its features. It produces 0.2–10 litres of effluent per litre of processed milk, with an average of 2.5 litres of wastewater per litre of processed milk. Dairy processing effluents are generated on a regular basis, and the flow rates of these effluents vary greatly. The volume, concentration, and composition of effluents generated in the dairy sector are determined by the type of product being processed, the production programme, operating procedures, processing plant design, the degree of water management used, and, as a result, the quantity of water saved. Sweet whey is the most polluting effluent due to its biochemical composition, which is rich in organic matter (lactose, protein, phosphate, nitrates, nitrogen) and is 60 to 80 times more polluting than household sewage. Dairy waste water contains substantial amounts of milk ingredients such as casein and inorganic salts, as well as detergents and sanitizers used in the washing process. All of these factors play a role in their high biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Which is much higher than the specified limits of the Indian Standard Institute (ISI), now the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), for the discharge of industrial effluents; these wastes are commonly released into nearby streams or land without any prior treatment, causing serious pollution problems, according to reports.

The main environmental issues associated with milk production include water, air, and biodiversity contamination. They frequently encourage the growth of algae and bacteria, which devour oxygen in the water and eventually suffocate rivers, causing fish to perish. As a result, numerous procedures to remediate dairy effluents are required.

If you wish to find out how to get FSSAI certificate for operations in multiple states, please click here. 

How it effects on water bodies

  • Proteins, lactose, and fat are the organic components of the wastewater from dairy manufacturing activities. Depending on their biodegradability and solubility, they will have varying effects on the environment.
  • Highly coloured wastewaters are more likely to change the colour of receiving water. Dairy industry wastes are unlikely to contain much soluble colour, yet genuine colour may emerge following various treatments. The waste's colloidal and particle components reflect light back to the viewer. The term for this is visible colour. Turbidity is a term that is used to describe these phenomena. Milk wastes include significant amounts of particles, causing turbidity in discharges.

What are licenses required to set up Dairy firm and milk processing plant in India?

  1. Set-up Legal entity- this is the first step to secure your legal identity by way of registration of your unit in following manners as per your requirement.
  1. Proprietorship
  2. One Person Company
  3. Private Limited Company
  4. Public Limited Company
  5. Partnership
  6. Limited Liability Partnership
  7. Producer Company
  1. Permission from Local Authority

According to municipal law, local bodies/municipal corporations must issue a public notice in newspapers and on their websites for the registration of dairy farms. The registration can be done preferable online, and the results can be viewed on their websites. For advice on registration kindly visit Metacorp

  1. Registration from Food Safety and Standard Authority( FSSAI)

According to Food Safety and Standard Authority of India a person comes under the chain of edible items such as manufacturer, retailer, transporter and import and export need permission from Authority (FSSAI). Categories of license depend on turnover and quantity of production as the case may be. The following categories of license for dairy firm

  1. Basic Registration-  Upto 500 Ltrs of Milk per day or Upto 2.5 MT of Milk Solids per annum
  2. State License-  (i) 501 – 10,000 Ltrs of Milk per day or 2.5 MT – 500 MT of Milk Solids per annum (Govt fee 3000) (ii) 10001 – 50,000 Ltrs of Milk per day or 501 MT – 2500 MT of Milk Solids per annum (Govt Fee 5000)
  3. Central License- More than 50,000 Liters of Milk per day or More than 2500 MT of Milk Solid Per annum
  1. State Pollution Board Consent Certificate/NOC

The Dairy firm and Milk Processing Plant need prior permission/NOCfrom concerned State Pollution Control Board, On July 10, 2020, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) issued instructions under Section 18(1)(b) of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, and Section 18(1)(b) of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, regarding the classification of dairy farms into the Orange and Green categories, and Milk Processing plant in Red Categories respectively.

The following certification required in respect of Dairy firm and milk Processing Plant

  1. Consent to Establish (CTE) - The project proponent must obtain permission to establish under the requirements of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981 before establishing any industry, project, or activity.

The State Pollution Board will usually provide consent to establish for a period of three to five years. If the project proponent requires a validity extension, a request for the same shall be made at least four months before the consent to establish (CTE) validity expires, along with justifications for the same.

  1. Consent to Operate (CTO) - Before establishing a unit, all industrial and commercial establishments must first seek Consent to Establishment. Following receipt of Consent to Establish and one month prior to the start of Operations, the project proponent must apply for Consent to Operate (CTO) after completing of all of the criteria in the Consent to Establish.
  2. Plastic waste Management/Plastic EPR- If plastic is used in the dairy firm and Milk processing plant then the business entity is required to take authorization from State Pollution Control Board or Central Pollution Control Board as the case may be.

“Producer” comprises industries or individuals who use plastic sheets or covers made of plastic sheets or multilayered packaging for packaging or wrapping the item, as well as those that manufacture or import carry bags, multilayered packaging, or plastic sheets or the like.

If you plan to get information on how to get State Pollution Control Board Certificate for food processing units, please click here. 

What are the documents required for application for pollution board certificate/NOC?

  1. Consent to Establish (CTE)/Consent to Operate (CTO)
  1. Pan card and UID of Authorized Person
  2. Property Paper/Rent Agreement with Rent permission
  3. Layout Plan
  4. Electricity bill/ water bill (If any)
  5. CGWA Permission (for Ground water)
  6. ETP/STP details
  7. MOA and AOA/Partnership deed

What is the procedure to obtain Pollution Board certificate/NOC                       

  • Create user id and password on concerned State Pollution Control/Pollution Control Committee’s website
  • Open  an application by using user id and password and fill all the details which required to be filled in Application form and strike off which are not related to unit
  • Payment of govt fee
  • Inspection will conduct by concerned officer
  • ATR preparation by department
  • File sent for meeting or Regional officer or Head office as the case may be
  • Approved in meeting or by Regional officer or Head office as the case may be
  • Download certificate from Pollution control’s website
  1. Permission from Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA)

Before extracting ground water, every business enterprise must obtain approval from the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) or respective State Water Regulatory Authority. The Indian Parliament passed the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, to control, monitor, and manage pollution, as well as to protect the environment in the Union Territory of India. Under Section 3 (3) of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) was founded with the purpose of developing and maintaining all of India's water resources for future generations.

For more info and professional advice please visit metacorp

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