By Team Metacorp on February 28, 2023

How to get Pollution Control Certificate for yarn & textile processing units involving scouring, bleaching, Dyeing, and Printing

How to get Pollution Control Certificate for yarn & textile processing units involving scouring, bleaching, Dyeing, and Printing

pollution certificate for textiles & garments manufacturing


The fabric gathered from different weaving set ups are directly unusable for manufacturing various textile products. Because there are multiple impurities present in the fabric like dust, dirt, oil stains, oil and waxes, starches or other sizing materials, seed particles, and natural coloring materials. These impurities can be categorized into:

a)    Natural Impurities: These are generally present in the natural fibers in the form of oil, waxes, natural color, vegetable matters, dust particle, etc. In case of wool, sweat is also regarded as an impurity which is deposited on the sheep’s or goat’s hair.
b)    Added Impurity- These types of impurities are manually added to the yarn or fibers during manufacturing for increasing the efficiency of the weaving process such as sizing materials. Spin finishes are also another type of added impurities. These types of impurities are usually added to synthetic yarns containing Antistatic agents and Lubricants, thereby reducing the static charge buildup and friction during the weaving operation.

For pollurion control certificate in Haryana, click HERE

What are scouring, bleaching, dying, and printing?

Scouring involves the removal of impurities like oil, fat, wax dust, and dirt from the textile material for making it hydrophilic.
Bleaching involves chemically treatment applied for removing natural coloring matter from the substrate. The main purpose is ensuring a pure and permanent basic white color fabric.
Most textile materials can be dyed at nearly any stage. Quality woolen goods are generally dyed in the form of loose fiber, but top dyeing dying is done to treat worsteds. Manufacturers use piece dyeing as it allows stocking of white goods, thereby minimizing the risk of overstocking with cloth dyed in colors that have not been ordered.
Printing involves decorating textile fabrics by applying pigments, dyes, or other related materials in the form of patterns. Textile printing has turned highly sophisticated and involves the skills of many artists and designers.

For Pollution Control Board Certifciate in Maharashtra, click HERE

Important Registrations and Certifications for Textile Processing

The important registrations and certificates required to set up the factory for textile processing are as follows-

Determining the status of legal entity

As the garment & textiles business involves a whole ecosystem in itself, from cotton growing farmers to small tailor shops & fashion houses. A business owner must first establish a business entity as per his resources, goals, and requirements. If the business requires a relatively larger setup, it is advisable to opt a Private/Public Limited Company. It is an ideal business structure for this kind of business activity as it allows the expertise and experience of other individuals to add up the overall expertise required for textiles manufacturing processes. 

For more details, click HERE

Pollution Control Board Certifications for Textile Processing Units

The business operations in the Textile processing results in both air and water pollution. These contaminate the environment with toxic and carcinogenic materials, which are not rightly processed and disposed of. When such waste is released into the oceans or landfills, hazardous materials intoxicate the environment causing harm to wildlife and humans. In addition to that our waste management infrastructure gets disturbed when materials eligible for recycling go in the garbage bin instead of being reused or repurposed. 

For pollution license in Karnataka, click HERE

Consent to Establish (CTE)

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) was set up as a Statutory Organization in September 1974 as per Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and later, for the powers and functions under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. In the ensuing decades, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has slowly been passing the functions and responsibilities under the Water Act and Air Act to the State Pollution Control Boards in States and Pollution Control Committees in Union Territories. These State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) and Pollution Control Committees (PCCs) in Union Territories are responsible to monitor, control and reduce the level of Air and Water Pollution in their respective jurisdictions. 
The business owner is required to apply to the State Pollution Control Board to get the Consent to Establish (CTE) Certificate. After the CTE Certificate is secured, the building, machinery etc could be set up and installed. After this, the applicant is again required to apply online to State Pollution Control Board for the Consent to Operate (CTO). Once the CTO certificate is issued, the business is formally allowed to commence its operations. Also, as the process of thermal power generation is, one of the 17 highly polluting business activities, the business entity is also required to apply online for Hazardous Waste Management Authorization from State Pollution Control Board. This authorization certificate guarantees that the hazardous waste being generated in the textile processing is suitably being disposed by an authorized hazardous waste handling facility. 

For pollution board certificate in Andhra Pradesh, click HERE

The procedure of determination of the category of subject matters of the businesses – 

The determination process is typically based on scores. For measuring air pollution marks will be obtained by recognizing various air pollutants and scoring accordingly out of total marks of 40 and for water pollution such scoring will be similarly out of total marks of 40 and the remaining 20 marks out of 100 is allotted for measuring hazardous waste. 
If this score of a business activity is higher than 60 then it is called as Red category of business activity and so on.

For pollution board certificate in Jharkhand, click HERE

How to apply for Pollution Control Certificate

The simple steps can be followed to understand the procedure of applying for a Pollution Control Certificate:
i)    The initial application is available on the online portal of any Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee. 
ii)    The applicant is required to submit the documents and submit Government fees for such applications. The fees for Consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTO) under Air and Water Act largely depends on certain factors such as the type of business activity, commencement of such business, capital investment of the business and the duration of Consent to Operate (CTO) validity.
iii)    The required documents relating to the details of the industry has to be scanned and uploaded while filling the online application and in some cases, the physical copy of such application along with those scanned documents and receipt of the fees paid has to be sent by post to the Pollution Board Office or Pollution Committee office. 
The status of a pending application for Consent to Establish (CTE) or Consent to Operate (CTO) can be checked on the same online portal of SPCB or PCC. 

For pollution board certificate in Odisha, click HERE

Consent to Operate

The industries categorized under red, orange, and green categories need to apply for consent to establish and consent to operate under the Air and Water Acts. The consent to operate/renewal shall be granted for 5 years for precious metal plating industry as it comes under the orange category. The CTO validity for textile processing could be for one year per renewal application as this is a red category business activity.

For pollution control board certificate in Chhattisgarh, click HERE

Hazardous Waste Management Authorization 

The textile units engaged in dying, bleaching etc come under red or orange category and need Hazardous Waste Management Authorization. 

For more details about Hazardous waste Authorization, click HERE

Plastic EPR Certificate 

Textile processing does not use any type of plastics but in case a business entity is engaged in wrapping or packaging the finished products in plastic sheets or packages, it may require Plastic EPR certificate as a Brand Owner, out of PIBOs. The Plastic EPR registration can be through CPCB under the Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules 2016 and an online portal has been launched in this regard. Producers, importers & Brand-owners are required to fulfil Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) for the plastic waste generated due to the products introduced by them in the market.

To get palstic EPR certificate, click HERE

Ground Water Boring Permission 

Textile processing requires usage of large quantities of water and hence large amount of wastewater. If the business owner is using a bore well for extraction and using this water in the industrial process or for domestic usage for workers, it needs permission for the ground water boring being used. The permission to extract and use ground water for commercial or industrial purposes is granted by the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) in various Indian States or by the specific State Ground Water Management Authorities. For example, we have Haryana Water Resources Authority (HWRA) in Haryana and Uttar Pradesh Ground Water Department (UPGWD) in Uttar Pradesh, which grants permissions for ground water abstraction in their respective States. 

For Ground water Abstraction certificate, click HERE

Trademark Registration

The Trademark certificate can be acquired for which an application has to be made through the online portal of the Trademarks & Patents Office and such trademark has to be distinct and innovative. Depending on the distinctiveness, the Registrar might approve and provide the certificate of registration of a trademark. Every 10 years you will have to renew the trademark of your firm.

Factory license 

The Factory License is a certification that a particular factory complies with the Municipal Laws and Labor Laws of a particular Municipal Area or of a Gram Panchayat.  For acquiring the factory license, one has to make an application to the Office of the Directorate of Factories. The Factory License is issued for one year and it generally requires renewal after every 31st March of the Financial Year.

For Factory License application, click HERE












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