What is a Water Bottling Plant?
Water from a mineral spring containing different minerals like salts and sulphur compounds, is called as the mineral water. In the absence or presence of added gases, mineral water can usually be silently or sparkling (carbonated/effervescent) packed.
Mineral water, a vital alternative for quenching thirst in the searing summer heat, is a potent drink in and of itself. Water treatment and packing equipments are installed by mineral water bottling plant manufacturers in order to produce a bottle of safe and healthy packed drinking water. Have you ever pondered how they are treated at a factory with rotating equipment all around them?
Processes involved in packaging of Mineral water
To find out the source of raw water- It is the initial step in the process of establishing a mineral water bottling facility. Manufacturers must conduct study into the location and sources of supply of raw water in order to determine whether the location in which they wish to build a plant meets their needs. The quality of raw water is essential in the production of mineral water.
Storage of Raw water- The plant layout must be created by a qualified and experienced architect. Raw water storage must be connected to a water pumping system and to other systems that are in place for further processing.
Installation of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)- There are a variety of resources available to assist you in making a wise purchasing decision, including web research. We recommend that you do not make machinery and equipment purchase decisions on the basis of hearsay or fall prey to the marketing gimmicks and that you verify with numerous sources before purchasing to ensure that you're obtaining a high-quality system and replacement part. There are some common water treatment methods which are as following:
Water Testing- The treated water is tested in the in-house laboratory of the bottling plant wherein the microbiological and chemical content characteristics of the sample treated water are evaluated and printed on the bottle of the packaged water.
Separate Storage of Mineral water in Plant- This is the final process, in which the purified water is packaged and stored in brand-labeled bottles, jars and pouches. Separate bottling plant equipment is to be added for the purpose of storage of the treated water.
What are the important registrations and licenses required to setup water bottling plant?
2. DIC/SSI/MSME/Udyog Aadhar Registration
Small scale industries and ancillary units (i.e., businesses with a plant and machinery investment of less than Rs. 10 million) shall register with the Director of Industries of the concerned state government.
There is no statutory basis for the registration scheme. Units are typically registered in order to receive benefits, incentives or support from the center or state governments. The following are generally included in the Centre's incentive program:
- Credit prescription (priority sector lending), interest rate differentials, and so on.
- Excise Exemption Scheme - Direct Tax Laws Exemption.
- Statutory support, such as the Interest on Delayed Payments Act and reservation.
. 3. State Pollution Board Consent/NOC/Authorization
Before establishing a facility, every business firm must obtain prior authorization from the Concerned State Pollution Control Board. Every state has a pollution control department tasked with monitoring any pollution that occurs within its borders. Industries are classified in four categories by Central Pollution Control Board under the supervision of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, in most of states, water bottling plant fall under GREEN category.The following permission need to be obtained by business entity.
What are the documents required to obtain Pollution Certificate/Authorization
What is the procedure to apply for Pollution Board certificate/NOC /Authorization
Every Business entity needs to take permission from Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) or from their respective State Water Regulatory Authority for Ground Water abstraction for commercial purposes. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 was adopted by the Indian Parliament to regulate, monitor, and manage pollution, as well as to protect the environment in the Union Territory of India. The Central Ground Water Authority was established under Section 3 (3) of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, with the goal of developing and preserving all of India's water resources for future generations.
For more information on Central Ground water click on metacorp
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