By Team Metacorp on March 19, 2024

How To Register For FSSAI License To Start Your Food Business?

FSSAI License


Getting a license registration from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is one of
these important requirements in India. Let's examine what this license comprises and the
reasons, it is essential to the prosperity and long-term viability of your food business.

What Are FSSAI?

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India is known by its acronym, FSSAI. It is the
highest regulatory agency that the Indian government has designated to guarantee the
security and caliber of food items. The Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) is in
charge of regulating and supervising the food industry's production, processing, packaging,
distribution, storage, and selling processes. All food enterprises operating in India,
regardless of size or type, must obtain an FSSAI license registration. By guaranteeing that
food items must fulfill specified safety and quality criteria, compliance with FSSAI regulations
protects public health and fosters consumer confidence in the food supply chain.

Why Is It Necessary To Register For An FSSAI License?

Legal Compliance: It is not only foolish but also unlawful to run a food business without an
FSSAI license. All food businesses must obtain the required license, regardless of their size
or type, according to the FSSAI Act. Serious consequences, such as substantial fines,
closing of the business, or even incarceration, may result from noncompliance. Thus, the
first step to legal compliance and avoiding legal entanglements is to obtain an FSSAI

Assuring Food Safety: The FSSAI's main goal is to protect the public's health by
guaranteeing the safety and caliber of food products. Food enterprises which get the FSSAI
license pledge to uphold hygienic practices, use premium products, and follow the correct
protocols for handling and processing food. This reduces the possibility of foodborne illness.
illnesses and raises customer confidence in your goods.

Developing Customer Trust: Showing off your FSSAI license at your business is a potent
indication of your dedication to high-quality and safe food. Customers get confidence from
knowing that the food they eat satisfies safety regulations and is safe to eat. Having an
FSSAI license can make a big difference in today's market, as customers are more aware of
the provenance and quality of their food. It can also build loyalty and trust among your

Opening Up Expansion Prospects: Obtaining an FSSAI License allows your food business to
to take advantage of several expansion opportunities. In order to work with several retail
chains, supermarkets, and online platforms, suppliers must have a current FSSAI
registration. Furthermore, holding an FSSAI license is frequently required in order to
participate in government bids, enter export markets, and access other incentives and
schemes. Thus, getting this license opens doors for growth and diversification, in addition to
guaranteeing compliance.

Reducing Legal Risks: Your company may face legal repercussions, such as litigation,
penalties, and harm to its brand, if food safety laws are broken. You can reduce these risks
and ensure the long-term sustainability of your food business by obtaining the FSSAI license
and following the guidelines. It also shows that you are dedicated to moral corporate conduct
and conscientious public health and safety stewardship.

Types Of FSSAI License

Various license categories are available from FSSAI, depending on the size and type of food

Basic Registration: Fits small-scale food enterprises with yearly sales up to ₹12 lakhs. This
covers independent food enterprises, tiny restaurants, and street food vendors.

State License: Required for mid-sized food companies with an annual revenue between ₹12
lakhs and ₹20 crores that operate in a single state. Manufacturers, merchants, distributors,
and other state-level businesses are included in this category.

Central License: A central license is necessary for large-scale food companies that conduct
import-export operations or operate in several states. This covers producers, importers,
exporters and managers of food storage facilities, among others.

How Do I Obtain FSSAI License Registration?

To acquire an FSSAI license, one must take the following actions:

Submission Of The Application: Fill out the application and send it in to the relevant
FSSAI office in person or online, together with the necessary paperwork.

Documentation: Make sure you have all the required paperwork, such as identification
documents, proof of address, evidence of ownership of the property, and food safety
management plans, NOCs from local government agencies, etc., in accordance with the

Inspection: To confirm adherence to safety regulations, FSSAI representatives may inspect
your location after obtaining your application.

License Issuance: The FSSAI will issue a license with a distinct registration or license
number after a successful verification process. This license must be conspicuously displayed
on the business premises.

Renewal: To guarantee continuous compliance, FSSAI licenses must be renewed beyond
their usual one- to five-year expiration date.


To sum up, getting an FSSAI license registration is a strategic necessity for any food
business doing business in India, not merely a legal requirement. It displays your dedication
to food safety, quality, and customer welfare and opens up a world of expansion possibilities.
In addition to protecting your company from legal concerns, putting a high priority on
regulatory compliance and investing in food safety measures also help create a safer
and a healthier food ecosystem that benefits all parties involved. If you haven't already, it's
time to start the process of registering for an FSSAI license and realize the full potential of
your food business. Services for registering FSSAI licenses are simplified by MetaCorp ITES
Pvt Ltd. With our professional advice, you can easily ensure compliance. You can rely on us
for easy and seamless registration procedures.

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Once the Govt. fee is submitted, we continuously monitor it and provide regular updates to the applicant. We also submit any document deficiency raised by the Authority.
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