Get the Pollution Board certificate for your factory, Hotel, restaurant and hospitals in Jammu or in Kashmir. Contact Metacorp for Consent to Establish (CTE)/ Consent to Operate (CTO)/ Recycler certificate. 100 percent certificate delivery guaranteed.
The Jammu & Kashmir Pollution Control Board was established as per a notification on the 8th of March, 1987 under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1974. The Board has been carrying out its responsibilities under the terms of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981. The Board was given additional responsibility in order to pass the Environment (Protection) Act of 1986 (EPA). the EPA has a vast regulatory and developmental domain in the subject of Environment Management, which is an umbrella Act and many Rules enacted under this Act from time to time addressing the various aspects of pollution.
J & K State Pollution Control Board is a statutory authority that was established in 1987 under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and is vested with powers under that act, as well as the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, and the Environment Protection Act, 1986, and various Rules made thereunder, to abate and control environmental pollution. The main gaol’s of this board are as follows:
The Jammu and Kashmir State Pollution Control Committee has released a list of industrial units in accordance with the notification passed by the Central Pollution Control Board and processes broken down into Red, Orange, Green, and White categories, all of which are fully consistent and similar to the serial numbers in the CPCB list, in order to make it easier to work and share information online through the India E-track Web Portal. Several types of units are categorized under the Red category, the Green category, the Orange category, and the White category in the recently modified list.
The State Pollution Control Board must grant industrial units listed under the Red, Orange, and Green categories permission to construct and operate, although those listed under the White category are exempt from these restrictions. Depending on the Pollution Index of the sectors in each zone, the OPCB categorizes industries. The Pollution Index has a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 denoting the most pollutant emissions from units. The following industries are divided into categories:
All industrial projects and units that fall into the Red, Orange, or Green Categories under the consent management guidelines of the Jammu & Kashmir Pollution Control Board, are required to get a Consent to Establish (CTE) Certificate from the Board. This Consent to Establish Certificate means that the business entity has the permission of the Jammu & Kashmir Pollution Control Board to complete the infrastructure requirements of the proposed business, such as constructing the factory premises/commercial building & install the required machinery and other equipment. The CTE certificate is generally issued for one year, which can be extended further. Once everything is ready & primed, the business entity may then apply for Consent to Operate (CTO). The industrial units falling under the White Category are excused from getting consent certificates CTE & CTO. Instead, they just need to notify the Board, which is sufficient.
After the completion of infrastructure & material requirements of the business process, when the business set-up is ready to get operational, the applicant is required to apply for & get the Consent to Operate (CTO) certificate from the Jammu & Kashmir Pollution Control Board Certificate. The validity of this certificate is 5 years for the red/orange category & 10 years for the green category of business activities.
Tags : Jammu & Kashmir Pollution Control Board Certificate Registration
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Very experienced in filing, monitoring & issuance of CDSCO Certificates, Drugs Licensing, Environmental Impact Assessment, AERB certificates, Pollution Control Board CTE & CTO, Waste Management Authorization from State Pollution Control Boards, Fertilizers & Insecticides Licensing