By Team Metacorp on June 24, 2021

The Haryana Water Resources (Conservation, Regulation and Management) Authority Act, 2020

The Haryana Water Resources (Conservation, Regulation and Management) Authority Act, 2020

The Haryana Water Resources (Conservation, Regulation and Management) Authority Act, 2020

The State Government of Haryana enacted the Haryana Water Resources (Conservation, Regulation and Management) Authority Act, 2020 on 7th December 2020. This act empowers the State Government of Haryana to initiate measures to conserve, regulate and manage the available water resources, whether ground water or surface water, for the judicious, equitable and sustainable use of water for all purposes, whether domestic or commercial. This Act also empowers the State Government to fix the unit price of water being used for domestic and commercial purposes and for water usage in industrial, mining and infrastructure projects.

As per this Act, the State Government of Haryana is to establish an authority, to be called as Haryana Water Resources (Conservation, Regulation and Management) Authority. It is to be incorporated having a perpetual succession and a common seal. It could acquire, hold and dispose of moveable and immovable property and could sue or be sued in its name. The Haryana Water Resources Authority (HWRA) is to consist of a Chairperson and four members. The Authority is mandated to prepare an Integrated State Water Plan based on the water plans prepared for each block of the State. On the recommendation of the Haryana Water Resources Authority (HWRA), The State Government could divide the whole of the area under its jurisdiction into different categories depending on the stage of ground water development, depletion in water level and the quality and availability of ground water and surface water. Based on this categorization of blocks, the Authority may prepare a water plan for each block, covering all aspects of demand and supply of water for various purposes.

 Powers of Haryana Water Resources Authority (HWRA)

  1. The Authority is mandated to issue directions regarding the development, management and conservation of water resources of the State as per the Integrated State Water Plan.
  2.  It could impose restrictions, if required, for categorization based on the water resource potential, usage and ground water recharge for all the blocks in the State.
  3.  The Haryana Water Resources Authority (HWRA) is mandated to prepare a framework for granting permissions to applicants for ground water abstraction and to get it approved by the State Government. 
  4. It is also tasked with issuing directions, by giving notice and inviting objections for the development, use, management and conservation of water resources including the following:
  1. criteria for operating the existing water extraction structures and their regularization with the Authority.
  2.   issue restriction orders on the usage of groundwater in any block
  3. specify blocks under the State wherein the usage of ground water for industrial operations or processes is prohibited or to be carried out with certain conditions and safeguards
  4.  to promote efficient use of water and to minimize the wastage or misuse of water by promoting recycling and reuse of water
  5.  to install and maintain instruments for measurement of quality and level of ground water and for volumetric measurement of the quantum of ground water being extracted           

Functions of the Haryana Water Resources Authority (HWRA)

  1. The Authority is mandated to promote micro irrigation techniques, sustainable technologies and energy efficient systems to safeguard the environment
  2. It is also tasked with promoting  water conservation and groundwater recharge, including rainwater harvesting
  3. The Haryana Water Resources Authority is  to determine the priority of distribution of water resources available in the State and to strive for equitable distribution of water resources of the State among its inhabitants
  4. The Authority is to regulate extraction of groundwater for drinking, domestic, industrial, commercial and agriculture usage
  5.  The Authority is to issue advisories to the Government, regarding effective implementation of policies and programs of the Union Government and Government of Haryana for development, management, and conservation of water resources for sustainable operation and maintenance of the water infrastructure and water delivery systems within the State
  6.  The Authority is tasked to make efforts to reduce and prevent pollution and degradation of water resources and to adopt latest technologies in the water sector
  7. It is also tasked with the detection and prevention of contamination of water
  8. Based on the plans received from the District Water Resources Planning Committees the Authority is to consolidate and prepare State Groundwater and Surface Water Plan by engaging experts and consultants, on temporary basis, for preparation of district ground water and surface water plans, input parameters, templates and capacity building.

If you want to apply online on the HWRA portal, click HERE

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