In the absence of effective legislation in the State, uncontrolled and rapid use of water supplies has resulted in a troubling situation that requires urgent attention. Groundwater depletion, compounded by decreasing surface water levels in many regions, has left vast swaths of the population without access to healthy drinking water. To deal with the situation of overexploitation and imminent water crisis, an effective law must be enacted to provide for the security, conservation, control, and regulation of water use in the State so that the water regimen becomes both quantitatively and qualitatively sustainable, particularly in stressed areas.
Water is a subject of the State List, which includes water sources, irrigation and canals, drainage and embankments, water storage, and water power, and is classified as Entry 17 in List II of Schedule VII of the Constitution of India. Overexploitation of ground water due to ever-increasing demand and dwindling surface flows due to climate change, among other factors, foreshadows an apocalyptic situation in a not-too-distant future. Contamination of ground and surface water as a result of industrialization and urbanization has worsened the situation, as the usable quantity of this precious resource, which was previously thought to be nearly free, has decreased dramatically in recent decades. Today, there is a serious threat to ground and surface water protection, especially access to clean water for livelihood and drinking, endangering current and future generations.
Groundwater and surface water are both common resources of the citizens of the state, and it is incumbent on the state to ensure the long-term survival of this scarce and irreplaceable resource in order to meet the fundamental needs of current and future generations through efficient resource management and conservation through a legal system appropriate to the challenges at hand. As a result, it is necessary to enact legislation for the management and control of the State's water resources in order to ensure their judicious, fair, and long-term use, management, and regulation.
The Haryana Water Resources (Conservation, Regulation, and Management) Authority (HWRA) was established in 2020 by the Haryana Water Resources (Conservation, Regulation, and Management) Authority Act 2020, and it has jurisdiction over the entire state of Haryana.
Documents required for permission of Ground Water Extraction
- Industry
- An affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper with a value of Rs. 10/- about the lack of water supply from local government authorities in cases where ground water demand is up to 10 m3/day.
- In cases where the demand for ground water is more than 10 m3/day, a certificate from the local government water supply agency stating that there is no/partial availability of fresh water/treated waste water supply, where such agency is responsible for supplying water for industrial purposes.
- Data on existing bore wells, tube wells, and drilled wells from any NABL certified or government-approved laboratory (in the case of existing projects applying for NOC).
- Water quality data from NABL certified laboratories/government-approved laboratories for established industries' bore wells, tube wells, and dug wells. (to be removed)
- Proposal for rainwater harvesting/recharging inside the premises in accordance with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs' Model Building Bye Laws.
- Impact Assessment Report: All projects extracting/proposing to extract ground water in excess of 500 m3/day in Over-exploited, Sensitive, and Semi-critical areas are required to apply an impact assessment report on the ground water regime as well as a socio-economic impacts report prepared by approved consultants. Annexure IV contains the report's pro forma.
- Mining
- Submission of an impact assessment report prepared by an approved consultant on the ground water situation in the region, including a detailed plan of pumping, proposed use of pumped water, and a comprehensive impact assessment of the same on the ground water regime, is required in cases where dewatering is involved. Environmental threats should be highlighted in the study, as well as potential management measures to address any major environmental concerns such as groundwater level depletion, land subsidence, and so on.
- An affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/- stating that there is no other source of water available in the event that water is required for building in safe and semi-critical areas.
- In critical and over-exploited areas, a certificate from a government agency stating that treated waste water is not available for construction within a 10-kilometer radius of the site.
- For all types of assessments units for commercial use, a certificate of non-availability of water from the local government water supply agency is needed.
- Proposal for rainwater harvesting/recharging inside the premises in accordance with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs' Model Building Bye Laws
- Details of water requirements calculated in accordance with the National Building Code of 2016 (Annexure I), taking into account the recycling/ reuse of treated water for flushing, irrigating green areas, and other purposes (in the case of completed infrastructure projects for commercial use).
- For infrastructure projects requiring water for commercial use, a completion certificate from the relevant agency is required.
- Infrastructure use
- The mining plan has been approved by the relevant government agency or department.
- Proposal for rainwater harvesting/recharging inside the premises in accordance with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs' Model Building Bye Laws.
- Comprehensive report prepared by accredited consultant on ground water conditions in the mine's core and buffer zones, mine seepage calculations by depth and year, impact assessment of mining and dewatering on ground water regime and socioeconomic impact, details of recycling, reuse, and recharge, and reduction of pumping through the use of technology for mining and water management to mi Annexure-V contains the report format.
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