By Team Metacorp on June 20, 2021

How to Apply for DPCC pollution certificate for Hotels & Restaurants in Delhi?

How to Apply for DPCC pollution certificate for Hotels & Restaurants in Delhi?

How to Apply for DPCC pollution certificate for Hotels & Restaurants in Delhi

The Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) licence or certificate will be on your table in just Seven steps. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has launched a centralised portal for all licences required for the establishment and operation of hotels and restaurants.  Besides, the DPCC has its own web portal, DPCCOCMMS, where occupiers can go to get their certificate.

Step - 1

Fill in basic information on the centralised portal or dpccocmms, as the case may be, to create a user id and password. To create the user id and password, the Dpcc portal requires the occupier's name, phone number, email address, and unit location, whereas the centralised portal requires the occupier's name, phone number, and email address after validating with Mobile OTP.

Step - 2

After you've created your user id and password, you'll need to finalise your business categories according to the list provided by the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), since there is total 31 categories for hotels including dhabas and 12 categories for restaurants, including eating houses and dhabas. When the categories are finalised, the documents are organised based on the categories. The majority of the documents are the same in all categories, with the exception of the lab report, inspection report, and OGT and ETP liability.

Fill in all of the necessary information in the application form and review it before paying the government fees, as directed by the dpcc. If the occupier uses the unified portal to apply for a DPCC licence, he or she must also fill information of another licence. The unified portal was created in such a way that it could handle all of the licences in one application.

After paying the government fee to the DPCC, a CTE/CTO acknowledgment slip or application form will be generated and save it for future reference

If you want information on how to apply for FSSAI license for operations in multiple states, please click here. 

Step - 3

The documents will be reviewed against the checklist, and an Action Taken Report (ATR) will be produced once they have been verified, or If any flaws or defects are discovered in the application, it will be sent back to be corrected or modified, and time will be given to upload missing documents.

Step - 4

The occupier must file a response within the timeframe specified and produce any missing documents. After the records have been checked, the concerned officer may go to the unit and examine the OGT or ETP, as the case may be.

An inspector will make a separate visit to inspect the DG set (if one is available) in order to monitor noise pollution.

Step - 5

All the documents along with Action Taken Report sent for meeting and the Committee led by the Chairman, DPCC, decides on consent applications under II(a). Consent applications in category II(b) are determined by a committee led by the Member Secretary of the DPCC, while consent applications in category I are decided by the Sr. Env. Engineer of the CMC's concerned cell. Units in the white group are prohibited from seeking consent. The Committee/Cell in charge of the consent applications makes the final decision. During committee meetings, in charge and decision forms are filled out electronically in real time.

Step - 6

In the meeting possibly three kind of decision will be taken by committee.

  1. Issue the certificate
  2. If any objection, file sent back to client for modification
  3. Rejection

Step - 7

Occupier must respond to DPCC within the timeframe specified, and then file sent for a meeting, after which a certificate will be issued or rejected (if not found satisfactory reply)

Categories of Hotels and restaurants as per DPCC


Activity Name



Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 to 50 rooms (double bed) or 40 to 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and not having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having more than 50 rooms (double bed) or 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and not having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Hotel (3 Star and Above) - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public/ Municipal/ DJB Sewer having Kitchen and / or Laundry with boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having more than 50 rooms (double bed) or 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and not having having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 to 50 rooms (double bed) or 40 to 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and not having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having less than 20 rooms (double bed) or 40 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) -not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and not having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having less than 20 rooms (double bed) or 40 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and not having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Hotel (3 Star and Above) -not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public/ Municipal/ DJB Sewer having Kitchen and / or Laundry with boiler



Hotel (3 Star and Above) -not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public/ Municipal/ DJB Sewer having Kitchen and / or Laundry without boiler



Hotel (3 Star and Above) - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public/ Municipal/ DJB Sewer having Kitchen and / or Laundry without boiler



Hotels requiring / having Environmental Clearance under EIA Notification



Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 to 50 rooms (double bed) or 40 to 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having less than 20 rooms (double bed) or 40 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and not having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having less than 20 rooms (double bed) or 40 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having less than 20 rooms (double bed) or 40 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) -not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 to 50 rooms (double bed) or 40 to 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and not having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having more than 50 rooms (double bed) or 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having less than 20 rooms (double bed) or 40 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and not having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having more than 50 rooms (double bed) or 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 to 50 rooms (double bed) or 40 to 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having 20 to 50 rooms (double bed) or 40 to 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and not having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having more than 50 rooms (double bed) or 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having upto 50 rooms (double bed) or 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having more than 50 rooms (double bed) or 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and not having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having upto 50 rooms (double bed) or 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having more than 50 rooms (double bed) or 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Hotel/ Guest Houses having more than 50 rooms (double bed) or 100 rooms (single bed) (excluding 3 Star and above) - not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and not having having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Hotel/Guest House having less than 20 Rooms without any Kitchen / Pantry/ DG set / Boiler



Hotels having overall wastewater generation @ 100 KLD and more



Hotels (<3 start) or hotels having > 20 rooms and less than 100 rooms(with boiler) (not connected to sewer)



Hotels (up to 20 rooms and without boilers)




Restaurants /Eating houses/ Dhabas and other such establishments(having seating capacity from 36 to 100 seats)- connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public/Municipal/ DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Restaurants/Eating Houses / Dhabas and other such establishments (having Seating Capacity less than 36) / Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns (with Floor area less than 100 m2) and /Sweet Shops/ Halwais and Other such Establishments (with Annual Average Production of less one Tonne/Day - not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Restaurants/Eating Houses / Dhabas and other such establishments (having Seating Capacity less than 36) / Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns (with Floor area less than 100 m2) and /Sweet Shops/ Halwais and Other such Establishments (with Annual Average Production of less than one Tonne/Day - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Restaurants/Eating Houses / Dhabas and other such establishments (having Seating Capacity less than 36) / Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns (with Floor area less than 100 m2) and /Sweet Shops/ Halwais and Other such Establishments (with Annual Average Production of less than one Tonne/Day - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Restaurants /Eating houses/ Dhabas and other such establishments(having seating capacity from 36 to 100 seats)- not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public/Municipal/ DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Restaurants /Eating houses/ Dhabas and other such establishments(having seating capacity from 36 to 100 seats)- not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public/Municipal/ DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Restaurants /Eating houses/ Dhabas and other such establishments(having seating capacity from 36 to 100 seats)- connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public/Municipal/ DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Restaurants/Eating Houses / Dhabas and other such establishments (with minimum seating capacity of 101) / Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns (with minimum Floor area 100 m2) and /Sweet Shops/ Halwais and Other such Establishments (with Annual Average Production of one Tonne/Day or more) - not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Restaurants/Eating Houses / Dhabas and other such establishments (with minimum seating capacity of 101) / Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns (with minimum Floor area 100 m2) and /Sweet Shops/ Halwais and Other such Establishments (with Annual Average Production of one Tonne/Day or more) - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Restaurants/Eating Houses / Dhabas and other such establishments (with minimum seating capacity of 101) / Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns (with minimum Floor area 100 m2) and /Sweet Shops/ Halwais and Other such Establishments (with Annual Average Production of one Tonne/Day or more) - not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Restaurants/Eating Houses / Dhabas and other such establishments (with minimum seating capacity of 101) / Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns (with minimum Floor area 100 m2) and /Sweet Shops/ Halwais and Other such Establishments (with Annual Average Production of one Tonne/Day or more) - connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry with Boiler



Restaurants/Eating Houses / Dhabas and other such establishments (having Seating Capacity less than 36) / Banquet Halls/ Party Lawns (with Floor area less than 100 m2) and /Sweet Shops/ Halwais and Other such Establishments (with Annual Average Production of less one Tonne/Day - not connected to / Discharging Effluent into Public / Municipal / DJB Sewer and having Kitchen and / or Laundry without Boiler



Other registrations/certificates required for Hotels and Restaurants in Delhi

  1. Health Trade License from Municipal Authority
  2. Eating House License / Police NOC
  3. Labour License
  4. Fire & Electrical NOC for select businesses
  5. PCC certificate for workers
  6. FSSAI Certificate

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Very experienced in filing, monitoring & issuance of CDSCO Certificates, Drugs Licensing, Environmental Impact Assessment, AERB certificates, Pollution Control Board CTE & CTO, Waste Management Authorization from State Pollution Control Boards, Fertilizers & Insecticides Licensing 

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